Monthly Archives: November 2008

No Arbitration –

Adam Dunn was not offered arbritration. This move seems to indicate that money is getting tight in the baseball industry. To read a related article, please click here:;_ylt=AtUiEE56fE71PlkXGoo9tVMRvLYF?slug=jp-arbitrationroundup120208&prov=yhoo&type=lgns Jim Sutliff

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Bonds Drug Test – –

Bonds drug test results could be made public. This is reported by Yahoo! Sports on the matter involving Balco. To read a related article, please click here:;_ylt=AnQlC2h0eVsjT0qXbh37EoARvLYF?slug=li-balcotestimonyrelease112608&prov=yhoo&type=lgns Jim Sutliff

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Obama Taxes Hit Players –

Obama tax hikes are going to take a chunk out of most Americans. High earners can expect to pay socialist level taxes and that is the category of most professional athletes. All sports and sports related business can expect to … Continue reading

Posted in Baseball, Football, Golf, Pro Basketball | Leave a comment

Swamp Not Friendly –

Steve Spurrier and the South Carolina Gamecocks did not have a pleasant visit to the swamp. His old team handed them a 56-6 loss and continued their march on the National Championship. To read a related article, please click here: … Continue reading

Posted in College Football | Leave a comment

Cliff Lee Wins Cy Young –

Cliff Lee of the Cleveland Indians wins the Cy Young award. His 22-3 season made the left-hander an easy winner.  To read a related article, please click here:;_ylt=AjVRoFv2rv4RCNUWPWACT3o5nYcB?slug=ap-alcyyoung&prov=ap&type=lgns Jim Sutliff

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Iowa Beats Penn State –

Third ranked Penn State fell to Iowa 24-23 and may not have a shot at the National Championship. Joe Paterno was expected to cruise into the championship game after having big wins in the early part of the season. To … Continue reading

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Maddux wins 18th Gold Glove –

The Mets have two Gold Gloves with the names Beltran and Wright. Both have won the award in the past. Coming as little surprise is the award to Greg Maddux. Maddux has won the Gold Glove 18 times in his … Continue reading

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